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Neuromuscular therapy and trigger point therapy for upper back discomfort and pain


Our great passion is initiating change and reducing pain for a better quality of life. If you suffer from chronic tension, limitations in range of motion or other soft tissue conditions, we can help.


You will be educated about your anatomy, particularly that which is pertinent to your specific issue(s), and be provided with self care tips to maintain your body's renewed state of openness and reduced tension.


To restore your muscles back to health we use myofascial release, deep tissue techniques and a variety of other modalities. Our Licensed Massage Therapists (LMTs) tailor every massage to meet the specific needs of each client.

How are we unique?

We spend time getting to know you and your day-to-day experience in your body to better understand and assess your needs. We think of ourselves as massage detectives; we not only treat your areas of pain, but try to understand the root cause of the problem so we can help solve it. 


We teach self-care techniques and share our expertise to help you feel your best between sessions. Sometimes a small change can make a big difference. For example, if you’re a stomach sleeper, change to a side or back sleeping position and see how much better your neck feels!


We care about your wellbeing both on and off the massage table. This isn’t just a job, Massage Therapy is our passion!

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